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IDX_DCLINE Defines constants for named column indices to dcline matrix.


function c = idx_dcline


IDX_DCLINE   Defines constants for named column indices to dcline matrix.

   c = idx_dcline;

   Some examples of usage, after defining the constants using the line above,

    mpc.dcline(4, c.BR_STATUS) = 0;        % take branch 4 out of service
   The index, name and meaning of each column of the branch matrix is given

   columns 1-17 must be included in input matrix (in case file)
    1  F_BUS     f, "from" bus number
    2  T_BUS     t,  "to"  bus number
    3  BR_STATUS initial branch status, 1 - in service, 0 - out of service
    4  PF        MW flow at "from" bus ("from" -> "to")
    5  PT        MW flow at  "to"  bus ("from" -> "to")
    6  QF        MVAr injection at "from" bus ("from" -> "to")
    7  QT        MVAr injection at  "to"  bus ("from" -> "to")
    8  VF        voltage setpoint at "from" bus (p.u.)
    9  VT        voltage setpoint at  "to"  bus (p.u.)
   10  PMIN      lower limit on PF (MW flow at "from" end)
   11  PMAX      upper limit on PF (MW flow at "from" end)
   12  QMINF     lower limit on MVAr injection at "from" bus
   13  QMAXF     upper limit on MVAr injection at "from" bus
   14  QMINT     lower limit on MVAr injection at  "to"  bus
   15  QMAXT     upper limit on MVAr injection at  "to"  bus
   16  LOSS0     constant term of linear loss function (MW)
   17  LOSS1     linear term of linear loss function (MW/MW)
                 (loss = LOSS0 + LOSS1 * PF)

   columns 18-23 are added to matrix after OPF solution
   they are typically not present in the input matrix
                 (assume OPF objective function has units, u)
   18  MU_PMIN   Kuhn-Tucker multiplier on lower flow lim at "from" bus (u/MW)
   19  MU_PMAX   Kuhn-Tucker multiplier on upper flow lim at "from" bus (u/MW)
   20  MU_QMINF  Kuhn-Tucker multiplier on lower VAr lim at "from" bus (u/MVAr)
   21  MU_QMAXF  Kuhn-Tucker multiplier on upper VAr lim at "from" bus (u/MVAr)
   22  MU_QMINT  Kuhn-Tucker multiplier on lower VAr lim at  "to"  bus (u/MVAr)
   23  MU_QMAXT  Kuhn-Tucker multiplier on upper VAr lim at  "to"  bus (u/MVAr)

   See also TOGGLE_DCLINE.


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function c = idx_dcline
0002 %IDX_DCLINE   Defines constants for named column indices to dcline matrix.
0003 %   Example:
0004 %
0005 %   c = idx_dcline;
0006 %
0007 %   Some examples of usage, after defining the constants using the line above,
0008 %   are:
0009 %
0010 %    mpc.dcline(4, c.BR_STATUS) = 0;        % take branch 4 out of service
0011 %
0012 %   The index, name and meaning of each column of the branch matrix is given
0013 %   below:
0014 %
0015 %   columns 1-17 must be included in input matrix (in case file)
0016 %    1  F_BUS     f, "from" bus number
0017 %    2  T_BUS     t,  "to"  bus number
0018 %    3  BR_STATUS initial branch status, 1 - in service, 0 - out of service
0019 %    4  PF        MW flow at "from" bus ("from" -> "to")
0020 %    5  PT        MW flow at  "to"  bus ("from" -> "to")
0021 %    6  QF        MVAr injection at "from" bus ("from" -> "to")
0022 %    7  QT        MVAr injection at  "to"  bus ("from" -> "to")
0023 %    8  VF        voltage setpoint at "from" bus (p.u.)
0024 %    9  VT        voltage setpoint at  "to"  bus (p.u.)
0025 %   10  PMIN      lower limit on PF (MW flow at "from" end)
0026 %   11  PMAX      upper limit on PF (MW flow at "from" end)
0027 %   12  QMINF     lower limit on MVAr injection at "from" bus
0028 %   13  QMAXF     upper limit on MVAr injection at "from" bus
0029 %   14  QMINT     lower limit on MVAr injection at  "to"  bus
0030 %   15  QMAXT     upper limit on MVAr injection at  "to"  bus
0031 %   16  LOSS0     constant term of linear loss function (MW)
0032 %   17  LOSS1     linear term of linear loss function (MW/MW)
0033 %                 (loss = LOSS0 + LOSS1 * PF)
0034 %
0035 %   columns 18-23 are added to matrix after OPF solution
0036 %   they are typically not present in the input matrix
0037 %                 (assume OPF objective function has units, u)
0038 %   18  MU_PMIN   Kuhn-Tucker multiplier on lower flow lim at "from" bus (u/MW)
0039 %   19  MU_PMAX   Kuhn-Tucker multiplier on upper flow lim at "from" bus (u/MW)
0040 %   20  MU_QMINF  Kuhn-Tucker multiplier on lower VAr lim at "from" bus (u/MVAr)
0041 %   21  MU_QMAXF  Kuhn-Tucker multiplier on upper VAr lim at "from" bus (u/MVAr)
0042 %   22  MU_QMINT  Kuhn-Tucker multiplier on lower VAr lim at  "to"  bus (u/MVAr)
0043 %   23  MU_QMAXT  Kuhn-Tucker multiplier on upper VAr lim at  "to"  bus (u/MVAr)
0044 %
0045 %   See also TOGGLE_DCLINE.
0047 %   MATPOWER
0048 %   $Id: idx_dcline.m 2296 2014-03-28 15:55:34Z ray $
0049 %   by Ray Zimmerman, PSERC Cornell
0050 %   Copyright (c) 2011 by Power System Engineering Research Center (PSERC)
0051 %
0052 %   This file is part of MATPOWER.
0053 %   See http://www.pserc.cornell.edu/matpower/ for more info.
0054 %
0055 %   MATPOWER is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
0056 %   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
0057 %   by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License,
0058 %   or (at your option) any later version.
0059 %
0060 %   MATPOWER is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
0061 %   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
0063 %   GNU General Public License for more details.
0064 %
0065 %   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
0066 %   along with MATPOWER. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
0067 %
0068 %   Additional permission under GNU GPL version 3 section 7
0069 %
0070 %   If you modify MATPOWER, or any covered work, to interface with
0071 %   other modules (such as MATLAB code and MEX-files) available in a
0072 %   MATLAB(R) or comparable environment containing parts covered
0073 %   under other licensing terms, the licensors of MATPOWER grant
0074 %   you additional permission to convey the resulting work.
0076 %% define the indices
0077 c = struct( ...
0078     'F_BUS',     1, ... %% f, "from" bus number
0079     'T_BUS',     2, ... %% t,  "to"  bus number
0080     'BR_STATUS', 3, ... %% initial branch status, 1 - in service, 0 - out of service
0081     'PF',        4, ... %% MW flow at "from" bus ("from" -> "to")
0082     'PT',        5, ... %% MW flow at  "to"  bus ("from" -> "to")
0083     'QF',        6, ... %% MVAr injection at "from" bus ("from" -> "to")
0084     'QT',        7, ... %% MVAr injection at  "to"  bus ("from" -> "to")
0085     'VF',        8, ... %% voltage setpoint at "from" bus (p.u.)
0086     'VT',        9, ... %% voltage setpoint at  "to"  bus (p.u.)
0087     'PMIN',     10, ... %% lower limit on PF (MW flow at "from" end)
0088     'PMAX',     11, ... %% upper limit on PF (MW flow at "from" end)
0089     'QMINF',    12, ... %% lower limit on MVAr injection at "from" bus
0090     'QMAXF',    13, ... %% upper limit on MVAr injection at "from" bus
0091     'QMINT',    14, ... %% lower limit on MVAr injection at  "to"  bus
0092     'QMAXT',    15, ... %% upper limit on MVAr injection at  "to"  bus
0093     'LOSS0',    16, ... %% constant term of linear loss function (MW)
0094     'LOSS1',    17, ... %% linear term of linear loss function (MW)
0095     'MU_PMIN',  18, ... %% Kuhn-Tucker multiplier on lower flow lim at "from" bus (u/MW)
0096     'MU_PMAX',  19, ... %% Kuhn-Tucker multiplier on upper flow lim at "from" bus (u/MW)
0097     'MU_QMINF', 20, ... %% Kuhn-Tucker multiplier on lower VAr lim at "from" bus (u/MVAr)
0098     'MU_QMAXF', 21, ... %% Kuhn-Tucker multiplier on upper VAr lim at "from" bus (u/MVAr)
0099     'MU_QMINT', 22, ... %% Kuhn-Tucker multiplier on lower VAr lim at  "to"  bus (u/MVAr)
0100     'MU_QMAXT', 23  );  %% Kuhn-Tucker multiplier on upper VAr lim at  "to"  bus (u/MVAr)

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