Home > matpower5.1 > extras > sdp_pf > case3sc.m



CASE3SC Power flow data for 3-bus system used in [1].


function mpc = case3sc


CASE3SC    Power flow data for 3-bus system used in [1].
   Please see CASEFORMAT for details on the case file format.

   The semidefinite relaxation of the OPF problem successfully solves 
   case3sc with a value of 60 MVA for the line-flow limit on the line from
   bus 3 to bus 2. The semidefinite relaxation fails to give a physically
   meaningful solution to case3sc with a value of 50 MVA for the line-flow
   limit on this line. See [1] for further details.

   [1] B.C. Lesieutre, D.K. Molzahn, A.R. Borden, and C.L. DeMarco,
       "Examining the Limits of the Application of Semidefinite 
       Programming to Power Flow Problems," In 49th Annual Allerton 
       Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing, 2011,
       September 28-30 2011.


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function mpc = case3sc
0002 %CASE3SC    Power flow data for 3-bus system used in [1].
0003 %   Please see CASEFORMAT for details on the case file format.
0004 %
0005 %   The semidefinite relaxation of the OPF problem successfully solves
0006 %   case3sc with a value of 60 MVA for the line-flow limit on the line from
0007 %   bus 3 to bus 2. The semidefinite relaxation fails to give a physically
0008 %   meaningful solution to case3sc with a value of 50 MVA for the line-flow
0009 %   limit on this line. See [1] for further details.
0010 %
0011 %   [1] B.C. Lesieutre, D.K. Molzahn, A.R. Borden, and C.L. DeMarco,
0012 %       "Examining the Limits of the Application of Semidefinite
0013 %       Programming to Power Flow Problems," In 49th Annual Allerton
0014 %       Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing, 2011,
0015 %       September 28-30 2011.
0017 mpc.version = '2';
0019 %-----  Power Flow Data  -----%%
0020 % system MVA base
0021 mpc.baseMVA = 100;
0023 % bus data
0024 %    bus_i    type    Pd    Qd    Gs    Bs    area    Vm    Va    baseKV    zone    Vmax    Vmin
0025 mpc.bus = [
0026     1    3    110    40    0    0    1    1    0    345    1    1.1    0.9;
0027     2    2    110    40    0    0    1    1    0    345    1    1.1    0.9;
0028     3    2    95    50    0    0    1    1    0    345    1    1.1    0.9;
0029 ];
0031 % generator data
0032 %    bus    Pg    Qg    Qmax    Qmin    Vg    mBase    status    Pmax    Pmin    Pc1    Pc2    Qc1min    Qc1max    Qc2min    Qc2max    ramp_agc    ramp_10    ramp_30    ramp_q    apf
0033 mpc.gen = [
0034     1    0    0    300    -300    1    100    1    1e3    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0;
0035     2    0    0    300    -300    1    100    1    1e3    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0;
0036     3    0    0    300    -300    1    100    1    0.0001    -0.0001    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0; % Synchronous condensor
0037 ];
0039 % branch data
0040 %    fbus    tbus    r    x    b    rateA    rateB    rateC    ratio    angle    status    angmin    angmax
0041 mpc.branch = [
0042     1    3    0.065    0.62    0.45    250    250    250    0    0    1    -360    360;
0043     3    2    0.025    0.75    0.7    50    300    300    0    0    1    -360    360; % <-- change this line-flow limit to change satisfaction of semidefinite rank constraint
0044     1    2    0.042    0.900    0.3    250    250    250    0    0    1    -360    360;
0045 ];
0047 % area data
0048 %    area    refbus
0049 mpc.areas = [
0050     1    1;
0051 ];
0053 % generator cost data
0054 %    1    startup    shutdown    n    x1    y1    ...    xn    yn
0055 %    2    startup    shutdown    n    c(n-1)    ...    c0
0056 mpc.gencost = [
0057     2    1500    0    3    0.11    5    0;
0058     2    2000    0    3    0.085    1.2    0;
0059     2    2000    0    3    0    0    0; % Synchronous condensor
0060 ];

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