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MOSEK_SYMBCON Returns struct containing MOSEK's symbolic constants


function sc = mosek_symbcon


MOSEK_SYMBCON  Returns struct containing MOSEK's symbolic constants

   Returns a stuct containing all of MOSEk's symbolic constants, such
   as those used to select the optimizer algorithm. Since the values
   of these constants are not necessarily the same from one version of
   MOSEK to the next, it is safer to use the symbolic constant rather
   than the value in your MATPOWER code. For example, the following code

       mpopt = mpoption('opf.dc.solver', 'MOSEK', 'mosek_lp_alg', 4);

   would select primal simplex solver in MOSEK v6.x, but dual-simplex in
   MOSEK v7.x. The recommended way to select a dual-simplex solver that
   should work regardless of MOSEK version is to use the following:

       sc = mosek_symbcon;
       mpopt = mpoption('opf.dc.solver', 'MOSEK', ...
                           'mosek_lp_alg', sc.MSK_OPTIMIZER_DUAL_SIMPLEX);


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function sc = mosek_symbcon
0002 %MOSEK_SYMBCON  Returns struct containing MOSEK's symbolic constants
0004 %
0005 %   Returns a stuct containing all of MOSEk's symbolic constants, such
0006 %   as those used to select the optimizer algorithm. Since the values
0007 %   of these constants are not necessarily the same from one version of
0008 %   MOSEK to the next, it is safer to use the symbolic constant rather
0009 %   than the value in your MATPOWER code. For example, the following code
0010 %
0011 %       mpopt = mpoption('opf.dc.solver', 'MOSEK', 'mosek_lp_alg', 4);
0012 %
0013 %   would select primal simplex solver in MOSEK v6.x, but dual-simplex in
0014 %   MOSEK v7.x. The recommended way to select a dual-simplex solver that
0015 %   should work regardless of MOSEK version is to use the following:
0016 %
0017 %       sc = mosek_symbcon;
0018 %       mpopt = mpoption('opf.dc.solver', 'MOSEK', ...
0019 %                           'mosek_lp_alg', sc.MSK_OPTIMIZER_DUAL_SIMPLEX);
0021 %   MATPOWER
0022 %   Copyright (c) 2015-2015 by Power System Engineering Research Center (PSERC)
0023 %   by Ray Zimmerman, PSERC Cornell
0024 %
0025 %   $Id: mosek_symbcon.m 2644 2015-03-11 19:34:22Z ray $
0026 %
0027 %   This file is part of MATPOWER.
0028 %   Covered by the 3-clause BSD License (see LICENSE file for details).
0029 %   See http://www.pserc.cornell.edu/matpower/ for more info.
0031 [r, res] = mosekopt('symbcon echo(0)');
0032 sc = res.symbcon;

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