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SGVM_SMPLOPTS default options for SGVM_DATA2MPC()


function opt = sgvm_smplopts()


SGVM_SMPLOPTS default options for SGVM_DATA2MPC()

   branch ('direct') - branch sampling method
       'none'   : use samples as is (not recommended)
       'direct' : sample instances from available data
       'kde'    : fit data with kde and then sample
   node ('kde') - sampling method for load (generation is always sampled
                  either as 'direct' or 'none')
       'none'   : use samples as is (not recommended)
       'direct' : sample instances from available data
       'kde'    : fit data with kde and then sample
   lincost (100) - generation cost used if non is given
   usegenbus (1) - use GENBUS data if given to group generators
       0 : ignore GENBUS data even if provided
       1 : use GENBUS data if provided
   ngbuses (-1) - number of buses with generators
       ngbuses > 0 : case will have ngbuses generator buses
       ngbuses < 0 : number of generator buses is scaled based on input data
   usegen2load (1) - handling of targeted generation to load ration
       0 : desired ratio is determined as: gen2load = 1.3 + 0.3*rand();
       1 : desired ratio is calculated from input data.
   baseMVA_default (100) - default MVA base if non given
   rate_a_default (400) - default MVA line rating if non given


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function opt = sgvm_smplopts()
0002 %SGVM_SMPLOPTS default options for SGVM_DATA2MPC()
0003 %   OPT = SGVM_SMPLOPTS()
0004 %
0005 %   branch ('direct') - branch sampling method
0006 %       'none'   : use samples as is (not recommended)
0007 %       'direct' : sample instances from available data
0008 %       'kde'    : fit data with kde and then sample
0009 %   node ('kde') - sampling method for load (generation is always sampled
0010 %                  either as 'direct' or 'none')
0011 %       'none'   : use samples as is (not recommended)
0012 %       'direct' : sample instances from available data
0013 %       'kde'    : fit data with kde and then sample
0014 %   lincost (100) - generation cost used if non is given
0015 %   usegenbus (1) - use GENBUS data if given to group generators
0016 %       0 : ignore GENBUS data even if provided
0017 %       1 : use GENBUS data if provided
0018 %   ngbuses (-1) - number of buses with generators
0019 %       ngbuses > 0 : case will have ngbuses generator buses
0020 %       ngbuses < 0 : number of generator buses is scaled based on input data
0021 %   usegen2load (1) - handling of targeted generation to load ration
0022 %       0 : desired ratio is determined as: gen2load = 1.3 + 0.3*rand();
0023 %       1 : desired ratio is calculated from input data.
0024 %   baseMVA_default (100) - default MVA base if non given
0025 %   rate_a_default (400) - default MVA line rating if non given
0027 %   SynGrid
0028 %   Copyright (c) 2018, Power Systems Engineering Research Center (PSERC)
0029 %   by Eran Schweitzer, Arizona State University
0030 %
0031 %   This file is part of SynGrid.
0032 %   Covered by the 3-clause BSD License (see LICENSE file for details).
0034 opt = struct( ...
0035     'branch', 'direct',...      %% branch sampling method
0036     'node', 'kde', ...          %% node sampling method
0037     'lincost', 100, ...         %% generation cost if non given
0038     'usegenbus', 1,...          %% use GENBUS data if given
0039     'ngbuses', -1,...           %% number of buses with generators (-1 -> scale ratio from input data)
0040     'usegen2load', 1,...        %% target gen to load ratio (1 -> target from sampled data)
0041     'baseMVA_default', 100, ... %% default MVA base if non given
0042     'rate_a_default', 400 ...   %% default MVA line rating if non given
0043 );

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