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VARSETS_IDX Returns a vector of indices into X specified by VARSETS


function kk = varsets_idx(om, vs)


VARSETS_IDX  Returns a vector of indices into X specified by VARSETS

   Returns a vector of indices into X corresponding to the variable
   sets specified by VARSETS.

   See also VARSET_X


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function kk = varsets_idx(om, vs)
0002 %VARSETS_IDX  Returns a vector of indices into X specified by VARSETS
0004 %
0005 %   Returns a vector of indices into X corresponding to the variable
0006 %   sets specified by VARSETS.
0007 %
0008 %   See also VARSET_X
0010 %   MP-Opt-Model
0011 %   Copyright (c) 2017-2020, Power Systems Engineering Research Center (PSERC)
0012 %   by Ray Zimmerman, PSERC Cornell
0013 %
0014 %   This file is part of MP-Opt-Model.
0015 %   Covered by the 3-clause BSD License (see LICENSE file for details).
0016 %   See https://github.com/MATPOWER/mp-opt-model for more info.
0018 persistent sn;
0019 if isempty(vs)
0020     kk = (1:om.var.N);
0021 else
0022     vsN = length(vs);
0023     k = cell(1, vsN);       %% indices for varsets
0025     %% calls to substruct() are relatively expensive, so we pre-build the
0026     %% struct for addressing numeric array fields, updating only
0027     %% the subscripts before use
0028     if isempty(sn)
0029         sn = struct('type', {'.', '()'}, 'subs', {'', 1});
0030     end
0032     ki = 0;
0033     for v = 1:vsN
0034         vname = vs(v).name;
0035         vidx = vs(v).idx;
0036         if isempty(vidx)
0037             i1 = om.var.idx.i1.(vname);         %% starting index in full x
0038             iN = om.var.idx.iN.(vname);         %% ending index in full x
0039         else
0040             % (calls to substruct() are relatively expensive ...
0041             % sn = substruct('.', vname, '()', vidx);
0042             % ... so replace it with these more efficient lines)
0043             sn(1).subs = vname;
0044             sn(2).subs = vidx;
0045             i1 = subsref(om.var.idx.i1, sn);    %% starting index in full x
0046             iN = subsref(om.var.idx.iN, sn);    %% ending index in full x
0047         end
0048         if isscalar(i1)         %% simple named set, or indexed named set
0049             ki = ki + 1;
0050             k{ki} = (i1:iN);                %% single set of indices for varset
0051         else                    %% multi-dim named set w/no index specified
0052             ii1 = permute(i1, ndims(i1):-1:1);
0053             iiN = permute(iN, ndims(i1):-1:1);
0054             for j = 1:length(ii1(:))
0055                 ki = ki + 1;
0056                 k{ki} = (ii1(j):iiN(j));    %% multiple sets of indices for varset
0057             end
0058         end
0059     end
0060     kk = [k{:}];
0061 end

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