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RUNUOPF Runs an optimal power flow with unit-decommitment heuristic.


function [MVAbase, bus, gen, gencost, branch, f, success, et] =runuopf(casedata, mpopt, fname, solvedcase)


RUNUOPF  Runs an optimal power flow with unit-decommitment heuristic.

   Runs an optimal power flow (AC OPF by default) with a heuristic which
   allows it to shut down "expensive" generators, optionally returning
   a RESULTS struct and SUCCESS flag.

   Inputs (all are optional):
       CASEDATA : either a MATPOWER case struct or a string containing
           the name of the file with the case data (default is 'case9')
           (see also CASEFORMAT and LOADCASE)
       MPOPT : MATPOWER options struct to override default options
           can be used to specify the solution algorithm, output options
           termination tolerances, and more (see also MPOPTION).
       FNAME : name of a file to which the pretty-printed output will
           be appended
       SOLVEDCASE : name of file to which the solved case will be saved
           in MATPOWER case format (M-file will be assumed unless the
           specified name ends with '.mat')

   Outputs (all are optional):
       RESULTS : results struct, with the following fields:
           (all fields from the input MATPOWER case, i.e. bus, branch,
               gen, etc., but with solved voltages, power flows, etc.)
           order - info used in external <-> internal data conversion
           et - elapsed time in seconds
           success - success flag, 1 = succeeded, 0 = failed
           (additional OPF fields, see OPF for details)
       SUCCESS : the success flag can additionally be returned as
           a second output argument

   Calling syntax options:
       results = runuopf;
       results = runuopf(casedata);
       results = runuopf(casedata, mpopt);
       results = runuopf(casedata, mpopt, fname);
       results = runuopf(casedata, mpopt, fname, solvedcase);
       [results, success] = runuopf(...);

       Alternatively, for compatibility with previous versions of MATPOWER,
       some of the results can be returned as individual output arguments:

       [baseMVA, bus, gen, gencost, branch, f, success, et] = runuopf(...);

       results = runuopf('case30');



This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function [MVAbase, bus, gen, gencost, branch, f, success, et] = ...
0002                 runuopf(casedata, mpopt, fname, solvedcase)
0003 %RUNUOPF  Runs an optimal power flow with unit-decommitment heuristic.
0005 %
0006 %   Runs an optimal power flow (AC OPF by default) with a heuristic which
0007 %   allows it to shut down "expensive" generators, optionally returning
0008 %   a RESULTS struct and SUCCESS flag.
0009 %
0010 %   Inputs (all are optional):
0011 %       CASEDATA : either a MATPOWER case struct or a string containing
0012 %           the name of the file with the case data (default is 'case9')
0013 %           (see also CASEFORMAT and LOADCASE)
0014 %       MPOPT : MATPOWER options struct to override default options
0015 %           can be used to specify the solution algorithm, output options
0016 %           termination tolerances, and more (see also MPOPTION).
0017 %       FNAME : name of a file to which the pretty-printed output will
0018 %           be appended
0019 %       SOLVEDCASE : name of file to which the solved case will be saved
0020 %           in MATPOWER case format (M-file will be assumed unless the
0021 %           specified name ends with '.mat')
0022 %
0023 %   Outputs (all are optional):
0024 %       RESULTS : results struct, with the following fields:
0025 %           (all fields from the input MATPOWER case, i.e. bus, branch,
0026 %               gen, etc., but with solved voltages, power flows, etc.)
0027 %           order - info used in external <-> internal data conversion
0028 %           et - elapsed time in seconds
0029 %           success - success flag, 1 = succeeded, 0 = failed
0030 %           (additional OPF fields, see OPF for details)
0031 %       SUCCESS : the success flag can additionally be returned as
0032 %           a second output argument
0033 %
0034 %   Calling syntax options:
0035 %       results = runuopf;
0036 %       results = runuopf(casedata);
0037 %       results = runuopf(casedata, mpopt);
0038 %       results = runuopf(casedata, mpopt, fname);
0039 %       results = runuopf(casedata, mpopt, fname, solvedcase);
0040 %       [results, success] = runuopf(...);
0041 %
0042 %       Alternatively, for compatibility with previous versions of MATPOWER,
0043 %       some of the results can be returned as individual output arguments:
0044 %
0045 %       [baseMVA, bus, gen, gencost, branch, f, success, et] = runuopf(...);
0046 %
0047 %   Example:
0048 %       results = runuopf('case30');
0049 %
0050 %   See also RUNOPF, RUNDUOPF.
0052 %   MATPOWER
0053 %   Copyright (c) 1996-2015 by Power System Engineering Research Center (PSERC)
0054 %   by Ray Zimmerman, PSERC Cornell
0055 %
0056 %   $Id: runuopf.m 2644 2015-03-11 19:34:22Z ray $
0057 %
0058 %   This file is part of MATPOWER.
0059 %   Covered by the 3-clause BSD License (see LICENSE file for details).
0060 %   See http://www.pserc.cornell.edu/matpower/ for more info.
0062 %%-----  initialize  -----
0063 %% default arguments
0064 if nargin < 4
0065     solvedcase = '';                %% don't save solved case
0066     if nargin < 3
0067         fname = '';                 %% don't print results to a file
0068         if nargin < 2
0069             mpopt = mpoption;       %% use default options
0070             if nargin < 1
0071                 casedata = 'case9'; %% default data file is 'case9.m'
0072             end
0073         end
0074     end
0075 end
0077 %%-----  run the unit de-commitment / optimal power flow  -----
0078 [r, success] = uopf(casedata, mpopt);
0080 %%-----  output results  -----
0081 if fname
0082     [fd, msg] = fopen(fname, 'at');
0083     if fd == -1
0084         error(msg);
0085     else
0086         if mpopt.out.all == 0
0087             printpf(r, fd, mpoption(mpopt, 'out.all', -1));
0088         else
0089             printpf(r, fd, mpopt);
0090         end
0091         fclose(fd);
0092     end
0093 end
0094 printpf(r, 1, mpopt);
0096 %% save solved case
0097 if solvedcase
0098     savecase(solvedcase, r);
0099 end
0101 if nargout == 1 || nargout == 2
0102     MVAbase = r;
0103     bus = success;
0104 elseif nargout > 2
0105     [MVAbase, bus, gen, gencost, branch, f, et] = ...
0106         deal(r.baseMVA, r.bus, r.gen, r.gencost, r.branch, r.f, r.et);
0107 % else  %% don't define MVAbase, so it doesn't print anything
0108 end

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