< Master index Index for matpower6.0/extras/sdp_pf >

Index for matpower6.0/extras/sdp_pf

MATPOWER files in this directory:

 addToAADDTOA Adds a term to the decomposed A matrices
 case2localCASE2LOCAL Power flow data for 2-bus system used in [1].
 case3scCASE3SC Power flow data for 3-bus system used in [1].
 combineCostCOMBINECOST Calculate the cost of combining two maximal cliques.
 combineMaxCliquesCOMBINEMAXCLIQUES Combine the maximal cliques.
 insolvablepfINSOLVABLEPF A sufficient condition for power flow insolvability
 insolvablepf_limitQINSOLVABLEPF_LIMITQ A sufficient condition for power flow insolvability
 insolvablepfsosINSOLVABLEPFSOS A sufficient condition for power flow insolvability
 insolvablepfsos_limitQINSOLVABLEPFSOS_LIMITQ A sufficient condition for power flow insolvability
 makeIncidenceMAKEINCIDENCE Builds the bus incidence matrix.
 makesdpmatMAKESDPMAT Creates the matrix functions used in the semidefinite
 mat2vecMAT2VEC Converts a SDP matrix into a a list form used in the matrix
 maxCardSearchMAXCARDSEARCH Determine graph chordality and maximal cliques.
 mpoption_info_sdp_pfMPOPTION_INFO_SDP_PF Returns MATPOWER option info for SDP_PF.
 mpoption_info_yalmipMPOPTION_INFO_YALMIP Returns MATPOWER option info for YALMIP.
 primPRIM Prim's algorithm for calculating a minimal spanning tree.
 recoverFromWRECOVERFROMW Carries out a trace operation on the decomposed matrices
 runsdpopfRUNSDPOPF Runs a semidefinite relaxation of the AC optimal power flow.
 sdp_pf_verSPD_PF_VER Prints or returns SDP_PF version info for current installation.
 sdpopf_solverSDPOPF_SOLVER A semidefinite programming relaxtion of the OPF problem
 t_case9mod_opfT_CASE9MOD_OPF Power flow data for 9 bus, 3 generator case, with OPF data.
 t_insolvablepfT_INSOLVABLEPF Test for power flow insolvability condition
 t_insolvablepf_limitQT_INSOLVABLEPF_LIMITQ Test for power flow insolvability condition
 t_insolvablepfsosT_INSOLVABLEPF Test for power flow insolvability condition
 t_insolvablepfsos_limitQT_INSOLVABLEPF Test for power flow insolvability condition
 t_opf_sdpopfT_OPF_SDPOPF Tests for SDP-based AC optimal power flow.
 t_testglobaloptT_TESTGLOBALOPT Test for Global Optimality Condition
 testGlobalOptTESTGLOABALOPT A sufficient condition for OPF global optimality
 yalmip_optionsYALMIP_OPTIONS Sets options for YALMIP.

Other MATPOWER-specific files in this directory:

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