Home > matpower7.1 > mp-opt-model > lib > @mp_idx_manager > describe_idx.m



DESCRIBE_IDX Identifies element indices for a give set type.


function label = describe_idx(obj, set_type, idxs)


DESCRIBE_IDX  Identifies element indices for a give set type.

   Returns strings describing (name and index) the element of the
   specified set type (e.g. variable or constraint) that corresponds to
   the indices in IDXS. The return value is a string if IDXS is a scalar,
   otherwise it is a cell array of strings of the same dimension as IDXS.

       label = obj.describe_idx('var', 87));
       labels = obj.describe_idx('lin', [38; 49; 93]));

   See also OPT_MODEL.


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function label = describe_idx(obj, set_type, idxs)
0002 %DESCRIBE_IDX  Identifies element indices for a give set type.
0004 %
0005 %   Returns strings describing (name and index) the element of the
0006 %   specified set type (e.g. variable or constraint) that corresponds to
0007 %   the indices in IDXS. The return value is a string if IDXS is a scalar,
0008 %   otherwise it is a cell array of strings of the same dimension as IDXS.
0009 %
0010 %   Examples:
0011 %       label = obj.describe_idx('var', 87));
0012 %       labels = obj.describe_idx('lin', [38; 49; 93]));
0013 %
0014 %   See also OPT_MODEL.
0016 %   MP-Opt-Model
0017 %   Copyright (c) 2012-2020, Power Systems Engineering Research Center (PSERC)
0018 %   by Ray Zimmerman, PSERC Cornell
0019 %
0020 %   This file is part of MP-Opt-Model.
0021 %   Covered by the 3-clause BSD License (see LICENSE file for details).
0022 %   See https://github.com/MATPOWER/mp-opt-model for more info.
0024 label = cell(size(idxs));       %% pre-allocate return cell array
0025 for i = 1:length(idxs(:))
0026     ii = idxs(i);
0027     if ii > obj.(set_type).N
0028         error('@mp_idx_manager/describe_idx: index exceeds maximum %s index (%d)', set_type, obj.(set_type).N);
0029     end
0030     if ii < 1
0031         error('@mp_idx_manager/describe_idx: index must be positive');
0032     end
0033     for k = obj.(set_type).NS:-1:1
0034         name = obj.(set_type).order(k).name;
0035         idx = obj.(set_type).order(k).idx;
0036         if isempty(idx)
0037             if ii >= obj.(set_type).idx.i1.(name)
0038                 label{i} = sprintf('%s(%d)', name, ii - obj.(set_type).idx.i1.(name) + 1);
0039                 break;
0040             end
0041         else
0042             s = substruct('.', name, '()', idx);
0043             if ii >= subsref(obj.(set_type).idx.i1, s)
0044                 idxstr = sprintf('%d', idx{1});
0045                 for j = 2:length(idx)
0046                     idxstr = sprintf('%s,%d', idxstr, idx{j});
0047                 end
0048                 label{i} = sprintf('%s(%s)(%d)', name, idxstr, ...
0049                             ii - subsref(obj.(set_type).idx.i1, s) + 1);
0050                 break;
0051             end
0052         end
0053     end
0054 end
0055 if isscalar(idxs)               %% return scalar
0056     label = label{1};
0057 end

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