< Master index Index for matpower7.1/mp-opt-model/lib/@mp_idx_manager >

Index for matpower7.1/mp-opt-model/lib/@mp_idx_manager

MATPOWER files in this directory:

 add_named_setADD_NAMED_SET Adds a named set of a particular type to the object.
 describe_idxDESCRIBE_IDX Identifies element indices for a give set type.
 getGET Returns the value of a field.
 getNGETN Returns the number of elements of a given set type.
 get_idxGET_IDX Returns the idx struct for the various set types.
 get_userdataGET_USERDATA Used to retrieve values of user data.
 init_indexed_nameINIT_INDEXED_NAME Initializes the dimensions for an indexed named set.
 valid_named_set_typeVALID_NAMED_SET_TYPE Returns a label for the given named set type or empty.

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